Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chapter 4 - Lecture

Algorithm Evaluation
􀂄 How do we select a CPU-scheduling algorithm?
1. Define desired criteria
􀀩 E.g., maximize CPU utilization with the constraint that max response time < 1 second
2. Evaluate algorithms under consideration
􀂄 Four algorithm evaluation methods:
1. Deterministic modeling
2. Queuing models
3. Simulations
4. Implementation

Deterministic Modeling
􀂄 Take a predetermined workload and determine the performance of each algorithm for that workload
􀂄 Simple and fast
􀂄 Results only valid for specific workload􀃎not useful

Queuing Models
􀂄 The computer system contains a number of servers, each has a queue of waiting processes.
􀀩 E.g., CPU with ready queue, I/O device with device queue
􀂄 Queuing- network analysis: given distribution of process arrival and distribution of service time, we can compute utilization, average queue length, average waiting time, etc.
􀂄 Require inaccurate/unrealistic assumptions for numerical solutions􀃎results may not be accurate
􀀩 E.g. assume process arrival follows Poisson distribution, service time follows exponential distribution, processes are independent

􀂄 Write a simulator to simulate the activities in the system
􀂄 Gather statistics of the algorithm performance as the simulation executes
􀂄 Two ways to generate the data to drive the simulation:
1. Generate workload according to certain probability distribution
2. Use the sequence of actual events in the real system (recorded on a trace tape)
􀂄 Advantage: results are accurate
􀂄 Drawback:
􀀩 Non-trivial to design, code, and debug a simulator
􀀩 Simulations are time consuming

􀂄 Implement the scheduling algorithm in a real system
􀂄 Cost is tremendous: coding algorithm, modifying kernel data structures, system must be taken down
􀂄 Ideally, we want flexible scheduling algorithms
􀀩 During OS build-time, boot time, or run time, variables used by the scheduler can be changed by system manager or by user

Scheduling in Practice
􀂄 Solaris 2
􀂄 Windows 2000
􀂄 Linux

Solaris 2 Scheduling
􀂄 Priority based, preemptive scheduling
Four scheduling classes, each includes a set of priorities:
􀂄 Time sharing: default class for a process
􀀩 Use multilevel feedback queue with time slicing in each queue
􀀗 The higher the priority, the smaller the time slice
􀀩 Interactive processes have higher priority􀃎good response time
􀀩 CPU-bound processes have lower priority􀃎good throughput
􀂄 Interactive:
􀀩 Same scheduling policy as time sharing class
􀀩 Give a priority boost to the task in the active window
􀂄 System: for system threads
􀀩 Threads have fixed priority
􀀩 No time-slicing: thread runs until it blocks or is preempted by a higher
priority thread
􀂄 Real-time: for processes that require immediate system access
􀀩 Threads have fixed priority
􀀩 Time slicing among threads with the same priority.

Windows 2000 Scheduling
􀂄 Priority-based, preemptive scheduling
􀀩 32 priority levels, large integer = high priority
􀀩 One queue for each priority, RR scheduling in each queue
􀂄 Six priority classes: real-time, high, above normal, normal, below normal, idle
􀀩 Seven levels of relative priority per class
􀀩 An integer priority is assigned to a thread based on the (class, relative priority) pair
􀂄 For processes not in the real-time priority class, relative priority may be raised or lowered
􀀩 Lowered when a thread’s time quantum runs out􀃎limit CPU consumption of CPU-bound threads
􀀩 Increased when a thread is released from a wait operation
􀃎give good response time to interactive threads
􀂄 When a process moves into the foreground (i.e., currently selected on screen), increase time quantum by some factor (typically by 3)

Windows 2000 Priorities

Linux Scheduling
􀂄 Two scheduling classes: time-sharing and real-time
􀀩 Real-time class has priority over time-sharing class
􀀩 Only processes running in user mode may be preempted
􀂄 Time-sharing scheduling
􀀩 Each process has a priority and a certain number of credits
􀀩 Scheduler chooses the process with the most credits
􀀩 Running process loses 1 credit when a timer interrupt occurs
􀀩 Running process is suspended when its credits becomes 0
􀀩 If all processes in ready queue have no credit, perform a recrediting operation
􀀗 For every process, credits = credits/2 + priority (large integer =high priority)
􀀩 The crediting system automatically gives high priority to interactive or I/O bound processes

Linux Scheduling
􀂄 Real-time scheduling
􀀩 Two scheduling classes
􀀗 FCFS (no preemption)
􀀗 RR (preemption when time-slice expires)
􀀩 Each process has a priority and belongs to one scheduling class
􀀩 Scheduler always runs the process with the highest priority.
􀀩 Among processes of equal priority, use FCFS or RR

Process Creation
􀂄 A process (parent) may create new processes (children) during execution
􀂄 Resource sharing
􀀩 Child obtains resources from OS
􀀩 Parent and child share resources (such as memory or files)
􀂄 Execution
􀀩 Parent and children execute concurrently.
􀀩 Parent waits until some or all children have terminated
􀂄 Address space
􀀩 Child is a duplicate of parent.
􀀩 Child has a program loaded into it.

Process Creation in UNIX
int fork() : create a child process identical to parent
􀂄 Child process has a copy of the address space of the parent process
􀂄 On success:
􀀩 Both parent and child continue execution at the instruction after fork
􀀩 For parent: return code is the process ID (PID) of child
􀀩 For child: return code is 0
􀂄 On failure:
􀀩 Child not created
􀀩 Return code is –1 for parent

Waiting for Process Termination in UNIX
int wait(int *status) //wait for any child to terminate
int waitpid(int pid, int *status, int options) //wait for the specified child to terminate
􀂄 If status is not NULL, status information of child is stored in the location pointed to by status.
􀂄 Options: 0 - wait until child has exited
WNOHANG - return immediately if no child has exited
􀂄 Return value: the process ID of the child which exited, or zero if
WNOHANG was used and no child was available, or -1 on error
􀂄 If a child terminates before parent calls wait:
􀀩 When parent calls wait, it returns immediately and child’s PCB is deallocated.

Loading Programs in UNIX
int execl(const char *path, const char *arg, ...);
int execlp(const char *file, const char *arg, ...);
int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[]);
int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
􀂄 Used after a fork to replace a process’ memory space with a new program.
􀂄 Does not return on success, return –1 on error
􀂄 Second parameter:
􀀩 l - list of arguments
􀀩 v – array of arguments
􀀩 Both list and array must be terminated by a NULL pointer
􀂄 First parameter:
􀀩 empty – full path of executable
􀀩 p – name of executable, will search the search path for executable

Process Termination in UNIX
􀂄 A process terminates when it makes the exit system call.
􀀩 May return data to parent, parent can collect the data using wait.
􀀩 Resources deallocated by operating system.
􀂄 If a parent terminates without waiting for its children:
􀀩 The init process becomes the children’s parent
􀀩 The init process will wait for the children to terminate

Cooperating Processes
􀂄 Independent process - cannot affect or be affected by
the execution of another process
􀀩 Do not share data with any other process
􀂄 Cooperating process - can affect or be affected by the
execution of another process
􀀩 Share data with other processes
􀂄 Concurrent execution of cooperating processes requires
mechanisms for process communication and

Producer-Consumer Problem
􀂄 A common paradigm for cooperating processes
􀂄 A producer process produces information that is consumed by a consumer process.
􀂄 Have a buffer of items filled by the producer and emptied by the consumer
􀀩 unbounded-buffer - no limit on the size of the buffer
􀀩 bounded-buffer - assume a fixed buffer size
􀂄 Producer and consumer run concurrently and must be synchronized

Bounded-Buffer Shared-Memory Solution
􀂄 Shared data
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
typedef struct {
. . .
} item;
item buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
int in = 0; //next free position in buffer
int out = 0; //first full position in buffer
􀂄 Shared buffer implemented as a circular array
􀀩 Buffer empty when in == out
􀀩 Buffer full when (in+1) % BUFFER_SIZE == out
􀀩 Allow at most BUFFER_SIZE-1 items in buffer

Producer Process
item nextProduced;
while (1) {
while (((in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE) == out)
; /* do nothing */
buffer[in] = nextProduced;
in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;

Consumer Process
item nextConsumed;
while (1) {
while (in == out)
; /* do nothing */
nextConsumed = buffer[out];
out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;

Interprocess Communication (IPC)
􀂄 Allow processes to communicate and to synchronize their actions without sharing the same address space
Message-Passing System:
􀂄 IPC facility provides two operations:
􀀩 send(message)
􀀩 receive(message)
􀂄 If P and Q wish to communicate, they need to:
􀀩 Establish a communication link between them
􀀩 Exchange messages via send/receive
􀂄 Implementation of communication link
􀀩 UNIX pipes, sockets

Direct Communication
􀂄 Processes must name each other explicitly:
􀀩 send (P, message) – send a message to process P
􀀩 receive(Q, message) – receive a message from process Q
􀂄 Properties of communication link
􀀩 A link is established automatically between a pair of processes that want to communicate.
􀀩 A link is associated with exactly two processes.
􀀩 Between each pair there exists exactly one link.
􀀩 The link may be unidirectional, but is usually bi-directional.

Indirect Communication
􀂄 Messages are sent to and received from mailboxes (or ports).
􀀩 Processes can communicate only if they share a mailbox.
􀂄 Primitives:
􀀩 send(A, message) – send a message to mailbox A
􀀩 receive(A, message) – receive a message from mailbox A
􀂄 Properties of communication link
􀀩 A link is established between a pair of processes only if they
have a shared mailbox
􀀩 A link may be associated with more than two processes.
􀀩 Multiple links may exist between a pair of processes, each
link corresponds to one mailbox.
􀀩 A link may be unidirectional or bi-directional.

􀂄 Message passing may be either blocking or nonblocking (also knows as synchronous and
􀂄 Blocking send: sending process is blocked until the message is received by the receiving process or by the mailbox
􀂄 Nonblocking send: sending process continues execution after sending a message
􀂄 Blocking receive: receiver blocks until a message is available
􀂄 Nonblocking receive: receiver gets (immediately) either a valid message or a null.

􀂄 Messages exchanged by communicating processes reside in a queue implemented in one of three ways.
1. Zero capacity: queue has maximum length 0
􀂄 Link cannot have a message waiting
􀂄 Sender must block until recipient receives message
2. Bounded capacity: queue has finite length n
􀂄 A link can have at most n messages waiting.
􀂄 Sender blocks if queue is full.
3. Unbounded capacity: queue has infinite length
􀂄 No bound on number of waiting messages
􀂄 Sender never blocks.

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